Prebiotics and Probiotics for Obesity?

Prebiotics and Probiotics for Obesity?

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AsparagusA new meta-analysis was recently published in the journal ‘Clinical Nutrition’, with findings indicating that inclusion of prebiotics are associated with reductions in cholesterol levels (total, LDL and triglycerides), and prebiotics and probiotics can improve insulin and triglyceride levels.

Here is where I have previously discussed what prebiotics and probiotics are.

Previous research has indicated that gut microbiota is significantly different between people with low body fat, and high body fat, with further differences seen between people with diabetes, or not. Inclusion of prebiotics and probiotics in other studies of people with low fat mass showed no real change to triglyceride levels, thus it is possible that these foods may be able to be used curatively for overweight people with elevated triglycerides.

Furthermore, evidence for use in modifying elevated insulin levels has also been found. Promising news given the rise in diabetes in Australia!

Take home? Aim to include a variety of prebiotic and probiotic foods, and supplements if need be to assist with managing triglyceride and insulin levels, and with managing cholesterol levels as a whole.

*Thanks to free digital photos for the picture

Chloe McLeod is a dietitian at BJC Health.
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