BJC Health and Fitness Blog

Feeling stiff and sore after an exercise break? 3 tips to help you get moving again

Written by Sarah Comensoli | 06-Jan-2020 22:00:00

Happy New Year!

From all of us here at BJC Health, we hope all of you had a safe and relaxing break.

Mine was a great combination of time spent with family and friends, sleep, beach and general catching up around home. I also enjoyed a bit of a break for my normal exercise routine, which was great! I definitely enjoyed a few sleep ins and was nice to give the body a bit of a rest over the Christmas and New Year break.

Although I have now gotten back to the gym, the first few sessions took some convincing! I'm always amazed how easy it is to get used to an exercise free life, and also dread the idea of everything feeling a bit harder than it did before I pressed pause.

So if you are also struggling to get back into your exercise routine after the break, here are my tips to help you get back on the exercise bandwagon soon!

1.) Start SMALL (and it doesn't matter how small)

Try not to compare your New Year self to whatever you were doing previously. Although I'm not a keen supporter of denial, harsh comparisons to your past self can always make the idea of returning to walking/swimming/lifting weights just too difficult! Be kind to yourself! Allow yourself to do a shorter session, and try to embrace it! A shorter walk/run/gym session is still better than no session at all, and can be a great way to gradually build your exercise mojo back up again! If your joints feel stiff and sore, then starting with shorter sessions is also a wise way to help them gradually get re-accustomed to moving once again!

2.) Schedule an exercise date with a buddy

Remember you are unlikely to be the only one out of your friends/family to be feeling this way. We know that many people take advantage of the break and enjoy some time without as strict a routine. This time of year can be great to ask a friend to join you for a walk or swim, or even try out something new with you. Scheduling the date/time for your exercise session always helps with building in some accountability which we know helps with recommencing any good habit or routine.

3.) Start with your favourites!

Whenever I am feeling my exercise mojo is a little low, I plan a session which has all of my favourite movements in them! Although not always the most effective session, it always helps me enjoy returning to just exercising in general. I'm also a fan of creating playlists with all my favourite tunes to help get me out the door for that walk or run. Keeping sessions high on the enjoyment front can help develop momentum to help you get back into things again.

So hope my 3 tips help! Again, dont be too hard on yourself when you are contemplating a return to exercise. Yes you might be a little less fit and strong, but that's ok! One of the best things about exercise is that once you get back into a regular routine again, all those fabulous outcomes will start returning once more!

If you need any further help or motivation, please give the team a shout! We are always here to help.