BJC Health and Fitness Blog

Are you exercising right?

Written by Sarah Comensoli | 16-May-2016 01:20:39

It's nearly that time of year again where BJC Health celebrates Exercise Right Week (23rd - 29th May 2016).  Our Exercise Physiologists are once again excited to help you Exercise Right!

In an age of increasing sedentary time spent during work, travel and leisure surely any exercise is better than nothing… right?

Well, not quite.You see exercise is just like good medicine. While it certainly offers a number of benefits, taking the wrong dose or type can be problematic. A one size fits all approach also doesn’t seem to work when it comes to exercise.

Designing the right exercise plan for the right person can be challenging as there are many factors that need to be considered.

Perhaps the most important consideration is our clients goal. Establishing exactly what someone wants from their exercise regime is probably the most important facet of my job. This will ultimately guide the direction of the program.

Other factors that contribute to whether a particular exercise regime is “right” for an individual are

  • Past and present injuries
  • Health conditions such as arthritis, heart disease and diabetes
  • Movement patterns
  • Current level of fitness/capacity
  • Commitment and motivation levels
  • Sleep and stress levels

Although some may say that considering all of the above to be over the top, I strongly believe that understanding all of those facets is essential before attempting to design a great exercise program. Especially if we are hoping that someone will want to continue exercising in a safe and sustainable way in the long term.

As we continue to hear about the negative effects associated with sedentary time, Exercise Right Week is a great opportunity to check in with one of our EP’s to help you move towards whatever health and fitness goals you may have! So, book a 30 minute exercise consultation with one of our Exercise Physiologists.  Make a booking or call our reception team on 1300 252 698 to book in a session.