Diet and Nutrition for Arthritis | Anti-inflammatory Diet | FODMAP diet

Winter Foods for Weight loss

Written by Chloe McLeod | 02-May-2014 10:29:31

With reports coming through this week that there has been snow already at the Australian resorts, Winter is obviously fast approaching. For many, this is a time to regain some weight that was lost during summer, and go into 'hibernation' mode. For many of our clients with arthritis, it can be a difficult time where joint pains feel worse, and mobility is more difficult.

Fortunately, Winter does not have to be like this. I think it can be a great opportunity for weight loss, and is a great time of year to take advantage of a variety of foods which also reduce inflammation. Here are my top three things I love about winter foods for weight loss, and reducing inflammation:

Soups: What better way to get your daily dose of vegetables in than through a delicious, hearty soup? Celery, sweet potato, pumpkin, zucchini, broccoli, turnip, parsnip, carrot, spinach, kale, choy sum, capsicum, mushroom... all work beautifully in soups, and the list goes on. Better yet? Add some legumes in, and flavour with some ginger, turmeric and garlic for an anti-inflammation hit, and the perfect soup to encourage those extra kilo's to keep away.

Porridge: A steaming hot bowl of oats is just what the doctor ordered for breakfast on a cold Winter morning! As mentioned in a previous post, there is a variety of oats that you can choose for your porridge. And it doesn't have to be eaten plain and alone. My favourite? Cooking the oats with banana, chia seeds and almonds, then serving with a couple of spoons of natural yoghurt. Delish.

Desserts: When we think of dessert in winter, most people picture puddings and pies, served with plenty of icecream and/or cream. Dessert doesnt have to be this way, and can still be just as delicious. Think grilled spiced pears with yoghurt, baked apple and rhubarb with ginger or pumpkin, banana and cinnamon muffins.

I hope you are all as excited for Winter as I am, and realise that Winter foods can be great for weightloss, and reducing your inflammatory symptoms.