Diet and Nutrition for Arthritis | Anti-inflammatory Diet | FODMAP diet

Obesity in Australia

Written by Chloe McLeod | 30-May-2014 15:13:20

New research about obesity rates came out this week, and to say the numbers are scary is putting it lightly. Since 1980, obesity in Australia has increased by 81%. Worldwide, prevalence of obesity has increased by 27.5%.

The impact this can have on general health, our economy and our health care system is significant, given the above figures.

So, what can you do to ensure you are taking as best care of you as possible?

1. Include plant based foods as the majority of your intake. This means vegetables, fruits, beans, lentils and wholegrains. Ideally, low starch vegetables will make up 50% of your intake at main meals.

2. Include plant based and lean protein sources. Best choices are fish, legumes and lentils, along with lean meats and poultry, and dairy or alternatives.

3. Avoid packaged, high salt, high sugar, high salt foods and drinks.

4. Include water as your beverage of choice

5. Get up and move. Recent data showing our sedentary lifestyles is also a significant part of the problem, along with our food choices.

Remember, you do not have to be perfect. Put in the best effort you can, and if things go pear shaped, pick yourself back up and get back on track.

If you would like a hand with improving your health, and detailed, personalized advice, please don’t hesitate to contact us – the team here at BJC are here to help you to be the healthiest you can be.

Chloe McLeod is a dietitian at BJC Health. This blog focuses on diet & nutrition generally and diet & nutrition in relation to the treatment of arthritis and arthritis-related diseases. Contact us if you’d like our help in managing diet-related health issues